Monday, May 30, 2011


Andrea Zittel is a well known artist originally from California, but she now resides in New York City. The basis of Andrea's art relies on the everyday necessities of life, but turning them into "artful experiments". After watching a documentary about her life and her art, I became fascinated with her concept of wearing one outfit everyday, which she generally makes herself, FOR AN ENTIRE SEASON. When I first heard this, I could not even begin to imagine myself being comfortable in going out in public in the same outfit everyday for months- plus, wouldn't you get bored. Then I began to realize how it is actually shocking how dependent not only I have become on materialistic items, but society as a whole. Although, I still would never attempt this experiment, it was very enlightening to step back and evaluate a major flaw in society and begin to think of alternate ways of living. Watch the documentary here!

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